Sunday, April 10, 2011

Metroformin Helps To Increase Cervival Mucus

More covers of Buffy and Angel

We saw the fabulous covers by Jo Chen and Angel Buffy Faith # 1 and S9 # 1, the quality is the always, simply superb, but these are the covers variants. At least in the case of Angel & Faith, since the real charge is the main covers Steve Morris (Dollhouse: Epitaphs, Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale). So far, Morris has 3 covers of Angel ready and then will see the first (left), which has an added detail after creating the cover, can you guess what it is? At his side is the cover # 2 Angel and Faith (right), variant I suppose, Rebekah Isaacs, her eye is the interior of the comic book artist for 25 issues.

addition, we let the special covers Buffy and Angel that were created to celebrate 25 years of Dark horse, drawn by Georges Jeanty and JD Mettler in colors. The Buff is charming and retailer.


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